How to make an americano | Coffee Very Much
Coffee Tips

How to make an americano in 2 steps

An americano is a cup of coffee made with espresso, and a small amount of hot water. Check out how to make an americano in two steps.

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Americano coffee is served in a cup or mug and is usually sweetened. It is called an Americano because of its popularity in the United States. A single shot of espresso is poured into the cup of hot water and the cup is then topped off with more hot water. The americano is a popular drink in Europe, but it is most popular in the United States. Americano coffee is a great alternative to a regular cup of drip coffee or a cup of espresso.

While an Americano is traditionally made with espresso, it can also be made with brewed coffee or a combination of the two.

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Americano benefits

More energy. Coffee is a stimulant, and can provide you with a quick pick-me-up when you need it. If you have trouble waking up in the morning, or you just feel like you need a little something to start your day off right, coffee can be an easy to way to make that happen.

Greater alertness. Coffee is a stimulant, and can give you a boost of energy and a feeling of alertness.

Improved productivity. If you’re looking for a way to get more done in a day, coffee can help. It’s a stimulant, and can help give you an extra boost when you need it.

Improved concentration and focus. Coffee can help you concentrate better. It’s a stimulant, and can help give you the focus you need to complete your work.

Better mood. Coffee can help boost your mood. It can give you a little extra energy, and help you feel more alert.

The Water

You will need hot water to make coffee. Lavazza and illy are good enough. Do not make an Americano with cold water, and do not use the “hot” water setting on your electric kettle. Bring the water to a boil, then turn the heat down to low.

The Coffee

You will need two tablespoons of ground espresso for each Americano. You can buy espresso pre-ground, or put the espresso into a grinder and grind it yourself. (If you buy pre-ground, you may need to run it through the grinder again to make sure you have a fine, even grind. This is a good idea anyway — pre-ground coffee can become stale.) Two tablespoons of ground espresso will make a very strong Americano, so if you prefer a milder, less intense flavor, you may want to use less ground coffee.

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The Water-to-Coffee Ratio

Your basic, standard Americano is 1 part water to 1 part espresso. It is not important that the amount of water be exact to the ounce. You can use a measuring cup or a coffee cup — if you are using a measuring cup, you will probably have to measure out exactly two tablespoons of espresso. If you are using a coffee cup, you can just pour in the espresso until you have enough to make one cup of Americano.

If you want a milder Americano, you can use a 2-to-1 ratio, or a 3-to-1 ratio, or a 1.5-to-1 ratio. An Americano made with 1.5 parts water to 1 part espresso is called a “red eye” and is a favorite among non-purists.

The Sweetener

You can put sugar in your Americano, or you can use flavored sweetener or sugar substitute. If you use sugar, it’s best to put it in the cup first, then add the hot water, so that the sugar has time to dissolve. If you prefer a sugar substitute or flavored sweetener, you can add it directly to the water.

The Americano-to-Milk Ratio

One way to make a mild Americano is to dilute it with milk. You can use a cup of milk, or a cup of half and half, or even a cup of cream. If you want to make a lot of Americanos, you may want to use a pitcher of milk, or of half and half, or cream, so that you can just pour from the pitcher.

How to make an americano in 2 steps

Step 1. Prepare espresso.
Step 2. Add hot water. The ratio for an americano coffee is usually 1 part espresso to 2 parts water.


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